Friday 29 July 2022

bob calvert and his blue plaque

phew. horsemouth has solved his first problem of the day. he couldn't get the kettle to boil (don't laugh - it had more than one button). whilst horsemouth was trying to sort this out the cat was importuning for dreamies (the bribery tool of choice for cat-sitters).

horsemouth woke up but then clacked himself on the shin with the laptop and so decided it would be better to go back to bed until a more decent hour was achieved. 

bob calvert is getting a much deserved blue plaque (on the high rise he lived in). bob wanted to be known as a poet but, as michael moorcock argues,  this prevented him from seeing that he was a much better front-man for a rock band. he's not the world's greatest singer but he's good enough and he always gives a vocal performance, everything is a complete musical drama. 

the plaque hails him as the inventor of space rock - certainly he writes the hawkwind log for in search of space something that unites the science fiction, poetry and rock worlds (and the illustrations of barney bubbles). 

there's still no new episode of hawkbinge. they have reached choose your masques - the beyond the bronze age - featuring bob calvert's take on fahrenheit 451, another songisation of a novel, one of bob's particular skills (steppenwolf, damnation alley, jack of shadows, high rise, robot (arguably)).  

from two year ago and horsemouth is struggling: 'letting it get ontop of me again. just stop and go for a walk. you may not cheer up but you may get a better perspective'.

at the moment things are going well for horsemouth in the communal endeavour at least (politically) but who knows at any point someone could spanner the works. (it's an unstable coalition and you know what machiavelli says about them). he rolls towards a year of leisure (and he's not too bored yet). he will have to check the finances and see what he is actually spending. if the other musician of bremen is around there's a tendency to go and eat and drink in pubs  (and this is expensive) but on the other hand he's not going to be being around for the next 5-6 weeks so this will probably die off. horsemouth will go back to drinking supermarket beer and eating cheap supermarket pizzas.

'autobiography is an exercise in self-forgiveness' says journalist janet malcolm. in a bit horsemouth goes to feed the cats of the cloud forest (and water the allotment).  he's got to get back up on the horse (or is it the cat's back) of the master and margarita

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