Thursday 28 July 2022

quick! quick! horsemouth is on desert island discs!

no. he isn't. he isn't on desert island discs. not yet anyway. he is not being interviewed by lauren laverne.

and so your first record is?

it used to be much more about the music now it has become about the interviewee. 

but let's be honest about it - he does have a face for the radio. 

especially now. he was awakened by two beast fighting. he went to the window. he thought it was crows and scanned the skies, but no,  it was cats. they looked up at him and gradually ceased to be mini-tigers and reposed themselves as neat and tidy, fluffy, before his very eyes they became round edged domestic kitties. 

before that he was dreaming that the gods would come but that they would come as doppelgangers of the living for some reason everyone was waiting in the carpark of a supermarket for them. it was a fairly moody dream (what was that about?). 

he's still half asleep (he can feel it in his face).  he has closed the window and put on a jumper. no more dreams to report (they are all fled away). 

bookpilled/ thrift for life dude has been thrifting and re-selling (on e-bay mostly) for 5 years. (he does like these dudes outlaw bookseller  as well). here is bookpilled with short hair. he just wanted not to have a boss ever again, he doesn't want to be a boss, and he didn't want to have to move. in the end he had to move (LA to san diego) but the gig has worked out well for him. for three years he has funded himself entirely through it. it has enabled him to grow his hair long. start a science fiction book vlog (bookpilled) and relax (well a bit). 

he wants to train people not to rely upon instinct and 'the pickers eye' (to train them out of 'somebody will want this') and use e-bay instead to research the market. just as with books condition is very important but not always.

in this video from 3 years ago he has not fully relaxed into the role. but it will come. he still has short hair. he still lives in LA. he makes it sound like a dystopian hell in the thrift stores. crackheads in gasmasks fighting over the carts. he pauses. that's just too dystopian for his audience and he knows it. 

today (this morning) a walk with ayesha. feed the walthamstow cats. return to h_____y (probably by W15) repeat. it is the anniversary of him moving back to hackney and, while it has its frustrations, it has worked out quite well. 

yesterday he walked up to the cloud forest (using a not particularly efficient route). he fed the cats and watered the allotment. he dozed a bit on the sofa. he should test (he's been feeling a little under the weather lately). 

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