Sunday 31 July 2022

books, films, gigs, events july 2022


- deja vu and the end of history (paolo virno - first half)

- the owl service (alan garner)

- blindness (jose saramago)

- a history of reading (alberto manguel - started)

- the master and margarita (bulgakov)

- m. john harrison's introduction to 'the drought' by j.g.ballard and the first few pages of it (and various other intros to j.g.ballard's books)

- LRB and NLR sidecar blogposts 

- various appreciations of mark fisher, guardian review of 'ghosts of my life' 


- minority report

- dark past

- fellini's satyricon

- bookpilled/ life in thrift, outlaw bookseller

- podcasts (guardian, FT, LRB on desert island disks)

- noma dumezweni's inheritance tracks (R4)

- laura kuensberg's 'downfall' (on the fall of boris johnson) 

- time out of mind: episode 3 (michael moorcock)

- a dave crosby documentary

- lost boy a radio 2 documentary on nick drake

- the hawkbinge podcast (church of hawkwind and revisit hawklords - 25 years on editions)

gigs (it's been so long that horsemouth forgot he had this section)

- andy smith, grandmaster flash

- sona jobarteh, kingdom choir, hackney colliery band


much cat-sitting, rob lawson visits, walks with TG and ayesha.

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