horsemouth is up. he has his coffee (thank you coffee making machine).
bit of a grey morning.
the importuning kitties have been fed.
happy lammas! happy lughnasadh!
we have reached the celtic quarter day midway between the summer solstice and autumn equinox (nearly). we are still in the bright half of the year but we must accept that the year is moving on.
it is also the second anniversary of the release of musicians of bremen volume four.
the other musician of bremen will not be available for the celebration. he is away in the land of miracles and wonders and he has even sent back photos (the rotter). horsemouth will be having an anniversary listen to this the height of their achievements (so far).
ok horsemouth has broken bandcamps heart by failing to purchase volume four but carrying on streaming it for free like a pirate. next time pagodas/ dark was the day/ broadbury down.
horsemouth profoundly regrets not having anything new to play you by musicians of bremen at this stage. the way things are with work commitments and recording opportunities you are almost certainly going to have to wait until next year.
he would direct you over to their soundcloud where you can hear the new tracks horsemouth is working on, there are a few new tracks by the other musician of bremen (but he prefers to keep them closer to his chest).
horsemouth was trying a lot of covers to practice his singing and to see which ones would stick. the key new tracks are no name resonate (shortly to be renamed guitar piece(for pier marton)) a duet between the resonator and the 12 string, jai guru (extrapolated out of fragments of across the universe but more in the style of tyrannosaurus rex) and murder ballad (the first song horsemouth has written round the lyrics in a while).
horsemouth would be interested to hear people's opinions.
today horsemouth isn't sure (perhaps a book hunt). he's not back to h-----y (aka. the seaside towns, aka. the salt marshes) until wednesday. yesterday a phonecall to his mum. some allotment watering. an attempt to understand the government's insulate social housing competition (peasants win prizes).
horsemouth seems to have forced his way through the pre-lammas ginge and into the sunny uplands of a view over the city.
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