Sunday 28 August 2022

'it is a dead bore, to write about yourself all the time' (domestic interiors)

so said dirk bogarde (actor and author of 8 volumes of autobiography)

horsemouth hadn't realised that bogarde had attempted  knausgaard style feats of biography. apparently he was very into houses and furniture and crockery. (domestic interiors). 

horsemouth is up early (the sun has not yet cleared the rooftops at the end of the street). last night he was to bed early. little interests him on the tv these days and he's too tight to spring for subscriptions to tv channels with dragons etc. his reading is a little desultory these days - instead he watches clips on youtube - the cottage fairy paints a wall, assembles some (temporary) bookshelves, and populates them with books. she puts some potted plants round then and lights some candles. horsemouth hangs on to see what books she puts on the shelves - he is always interested in other people's bookshelves. 

he is even interested in his own (annotating photos he's put up online to tell you what books you can barely see in them).

he did the august read, watched, listened to list - there's a chance he'll get in a gig before the end of the month. 

in the morning he played and sang through something's on your mind  and sometimes our dreams (float lie anchors) - with sometimes he's experimenting with singing a barbershop-style answer vocal (as well as the main vocal), if he can manage it that will be a neat trick (and may even be funny). 

yesterday horsemouth made some donations at the powesrcroft road bookbox (he's got to thin down his collection if he is going to get mobile). in the morning and in the afternoon he went for a walk with TG. 

horsemouth has already toysed out of the pram this morning. minor infractions - he could hear somebody clumping around late last night (or early this morning) and wouldn't you now it it turned out to be more shit randomly dumped by the nameless housemate of doom. horsemouth has reasonably put his case (and even done some mopping round). now he feels better. (see the 'l' is a bit sticky too).

later a meet up with the other musician of bremen. 

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