Saturday 27 August 2022

what times we are having ladies and gentlemen! surely there should be a show about these times?

horsemouth is indebted to mr. last for pointing this one out to him - nashville high strung tuning.

it is broadly what happens if you have a spare 12 string sitting around and remove the strings in 6 string pitch only leaving the 'octave' strings.(or alternatively if you don't have a 12 string and restring your 6 string with the octave strings from a 12 string.  it gives an intriguing seet of jangly possibilities (and indeed apparently it has been used by johnny marr). . 

what horsemouth has been calling nashville tuning is daddad - he'd read that players would put lighter guage strings on instead of the bass strings. 

now horsemouth, as you perceive has recently acquired a 12 string. he has even attempted some recording on it (jai guru and no name resonate from recent recording sessions). 

what times we are having ladies and gentlemen! surely there should be a show about these times? a show we can all go and see!

and indeed we have it for the tiger lillies  will shortly be performing karl krauss's literally apocalyptic the last days of mankind - a message to our times from the similarly doomed austro-hungarian empire. 

it is almost ten years since horsemouth last saw hawwind (and almost ten years since the ast hawkbinge podcast horsemouth adds with only slight exaggeration). 

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