Tuesday 4 October 2022

horsemouth (unauthorised autobiographer)

'good things do not continue'  - paul bowles.

here he is (your boy horsemouth) live from the 4th of october. he (at least) is making some effort to continue. 

he is not yet sure if anything significant occurred on this date or anyone famous or musicianly was born or died on this date (he will find out later) the calendar system is pretty much a bodge anyway. he types this siting up in bed wearing a jumper and a fleece. 

horsemouth has his copy of two years by the straight  by paul bowles out (in truth he never put it away after the last time he read it). 

'an even more unpleasant prospect is having the british tv crew and animateurs arrive week after next to do that interview...'   remarks bowles on the 3rd of october 1987. the next year (10th oct) he is being advised to go to paris to be interviewed by french tv for the sake of his career. he has an unauthorised biographer over to stay with him (that is someone writing the story of his life who he does not wish to have writing the story of his life), the unauthorised biographer even puts on concerts of paul bowles music (but they are badly played). 

horsemouth used to own a book by jane bowles (the letters he thinks) but he never got round to reading it and so deposited it in a charity shop when he did the move up to h_____y six or so years ago. he thinks he has seen the british tv documentary - it has footage of paul bowles' music being played (perhaps from the concerts mentioned). bowles is  a slightly dull modren composer in the style of late satie, milhaud etc. 

horsemouth has been reading watchmen for the first time in a long time (and very good it is too). 

yesterday a wander down to leyton tube (via the estates round the back of the olympic park) about 7 or 8km all told.

yesterday was also the  anniversary of the filming of fall of the house of fitzgerald  in the teeth of the pandemic (and almost certainly against lockdown instructions). horsemouth tends to re-read the blogposts from that era rather a lot, not because he had anything wise to say about the pandemic but because (in retrospect) it was actually a period of great cultural productivity. (not that anyone has seen or heard any of it).

horsemouth enjoyed making fall...  enormously. he is sad not to be doing more of it (but them's the breaks).

there are of course two problems - the poor scholar's problem, how to stay fed and find time to study, and the poor artist's problem, how to make people aware of your great art. horsemouth has the solution to neither really. like many artists/ musicians he just likes making the stuff and doing the work he can't be bothered with the other side of it (which is of course a crucial failing). 

today horsemouth does not really know what he is up to. some wandering about he expects.   

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