Monday 3 October 2022

'where does the crisis go next?' ( the hours of the day and how horsemouth fills them)

'where does the crisis go next?'  -FT 

so it's back. the crisis. the perma-crisis.the omnishambles. the one true crisis. the only true crisis in town.

the crisis of capitalism 

the crisis has many symptoms. the crisis has many (putative) causes. the crisis is a moving contradiction. an infection at the weakest link in the value chain. white bloodcells flood the site attempting to mop up risk and, bursting, release helicopter money and liquidity. overhead. a bestiary of macrophages. we live in fear of the cytokine storm of austerity.

the crisis. (last known sighting 2008) bubbles away hidden in brexit, in the arab spring, in trump voters, in the climate crisis (its unacknowledged step-child). time is running out. time is frozen. time has gone into reverse. is it deja vu we feel or sleep paralysis? has history ended or politics ended? 

can the crisis be evaded or avoided? can bad decisions be untaken? or not approved? can votes be recalled?

horsemouth's stomach is grumbling  and the coffee is nearly gone. he's wolfed down a bowl of museli and he's finishing off the last of the coffee. it is time to move on to other topics.

 the hours of the day and how horsemouth fills them

the morning. this is his favourite bit of the day. he gets to make sense (or at least re-arrange words, to redistribute meanings). he writes this. no he types this. not to produce a physical letter in ink on a physical page of paper (nothing is even printed out anymore) but to produce a change in a file that people will be able to access (if they know it is there, if they care). the metaphors migrate easily to hide the changes in literary production and the audiences who may (one day) read it. 

the evening is another easy bit of the day. the pressure to do is off. there is food to be cooked and eaten and there are films to be watched. ultimately there is recourse to sleep. if there is stuff to be done (meetings etc.) then that means (in theory) something is happening. sometimes there is TV,  TV news or even a film.

the afternoon is the difficult bit of the day. this is where horsemouth needs a task to fill in his time and feel useful. in the afternoon he often acquires a two-dwarf mood (grumpy and...).

the night. horsemouth sleeps pretty soundly. he does not recall his dreams for long upon waking. 

the activities

horsemouth has mentioned writing (not that it is writing you understand). he has failed to explain what it is he is writing and what, and who, is this writing for. 

he should probably mention walking. this is where he gets to think (and discuss with himself) but without being able to write anything down (or at least only in a very limited fashion in his notebook). beyond that there is shopping, mostly book shopping or actually in its modern incarnation hunting for books. horsemouth will often structure his walks round checking a book box (or garden walls) locally. at one time (more when horsemouth worked) it would have been a charity shop or a second hand book shop but he will often alibi longer walks with this (up to walthamstow say). 

yesterday (for example) he too the rare decision to walk west rather than walk east. 

his reading is largely dictated by what he finds (he is an omnivorous reader, a library cormorant), but sometimes he cannot generate the enthusiasm to read very much and has to return to tried and trusted favourites. 

playing guitar and singing (and learning songs or writing new ones) this he does much less than he should. similarly he has a number of other instruments round the house which he could learn to play/ learn to play better. horsemouth has let his music slide he needs to start putting effort back into it again (and to investigate new musical partnerships). 

listening to music this he does much less than he used to (the amplifier for his hi-fi is dead at the moment - his CDs look at him reproachfully). he has plenty of books to read (and plenty of CDs to listen to) but it does not always work for him. 

going and visiting friends - this (again) he does much less than he should. he was pretty solitary before the pandemic and the threat of death confirmed him in this. he tries to arrange regular walks with with friends (e.g. TG early in the week). he has a generalised plan to do more of this (before the pandemic kicks off again). 

going up the pub and getting drunk.  this is not a daily activity (or even a weekly one) but horsemouth enjoys it. 

going out to films, gigs, parties etc.  these are pretty rare (monthly activities if that). he has not been to see a film in a cinema in at least a year (and probably before that a decade). at some points he has watched loads of DVDs (from the library), now it is whatever he can find on youtube. he does not partake of TV series (in the main). this is (in any event) an evening activity. 

ok the time has come to finish this off, to post it up and to get on with the business of the day. 

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