Sunday 2 October 2022

that moment (the sudden collapse of confidence)

horsemouth supposes that the point with instantly everything is in ruins (once again) is that nothing has really changed.. the people are the same, the same sun still shines and rain is still wet, everything physical is exactly as it was but despite this billions (trillions) has been knocked off the value of peoples savings/ labour/ future activity. 

how can this be? if what is being measured is something objective how can the market get the value so completely wrong? (it is the same moment of disbelief that he had with the financial crisis. in that moment.).

the answer of the worshipers of the market is that it wasn't wrong but that it is becoming more accurate as events (brexit/ gas shortages caused by the war in ukraine/ crazed budgets by economic illiterates) happen. curiously no one seems to be pricing-in a tactical nuclear exchange yet. 

horsemouth's reply would be to ask why we are running the world on such a fragile operating system - one prone to the sudden collapse of confidence, one prone to such wild oscillations.  

'the lurch of what feels like dystopian science fiction (and or disaster film) into really existing actuality,'

it is of course these fluctuations that make speculation possible and rewarding and in this fashion enable a more efficient extraction of value from the people actually doing the work. (plus the appearance of mutability and flux hides the essential activity going on (this transfer of value). it is a magic trick with a slapstick hiding an underlying process. 

horsemouth is back from yet another party (what another one horsemouth? yes another one).the congregation sang nonsense songs and the children toasted marshmallows. horsemouth succeeded in drinking moderately and they fed him. it was good to see everyone again after such a long time. at a certain point he threw himself out of the door and wandered over to the bus station. his clothes still have a slight barbecue flavour. 

other than that horsemouth read science fiction (and most affecting it was too in a flowers for algernon kind of way) in the sunlight on the front steps. soon the book will be done. 

today a grey day. the regular phonecall with his mum in the evening.   

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