Saturday 5 November 2022

'it was as simple as carrying a phonograph record about and playing it wherever a phonograph of corresponding make exists.'

the light hurt his eyes said horsemouth. he spoke to you from a chair. the room was darkened. he had a rug over his knees and a hat pulled down over his head. he seemed curiously immobile. his voice whispery. his moustache covered his lips so that you couldn't see them move either. his eyes (as far as you could see) uncharacteristically dead. he told you a fantastic tale of how human brains could be removed from their skulls and stored in cylinders for their extra-terrestrial flight to the planet formerly known as pluto and the alien civilisation there.the brain could then be fitted with sensors and speech apparatus and trundle about on wheels. 

'it was as simple as carrying a phonograph record about and playing it wherever a phonograph of corresponding make exists.' 

he whispered this in the darkness. gesturing with his hands to the cylinders on the shelves at the back of the room (curiously immobile also).

later (as you tried to sleep) you heard speech from downstairs. the metallic speech of the brains stored in cylinders, the buzzing speech of the aliens. later it quietened down. you heard human snoring. you went to investigate with your flashlight and there on the chair was horsemouth's severed head and hands the brain pan cracked open and empty. 

you fled in panic. 


later still you watched invasion of the body snatchers and later still the disappearance  - a 1977 montreal set thriller featuring donald sutherland and petite and gorgeous french-canadian actress francine racette (there was some amount of softcore as if sex). later in the film a plethora of british character actors david hemmings, john hurt, david warner, christopher plummer warmed up the screen but it is not a good film. possibly the best thing about it was that it was set in habitat 67 opposite montreal's port area and near the expo 67 site (the film made good use of this brutalist location).

habitat 67 failed to change the world of architecture.  it failed to inaugurate a world of prefabricated affordable housing giving people improved privacy and gardens but at high density. and yet it is an iconic building. the ice cracks and steams as it sets of down the st.laurent river, it is opposite the port and the giant grain silos. nearby the island with the geodesic dome.

yesterday was bandcamp friday. horsemouth again recommended robert lawson's great lunaphone music (seeing as musicians of bremen  have no new 'product' to offer you). here he shares an artist from the riogordo junipero turbinata and what horsemouth takes to be an american primitive influenced improv set (and very good it is too). 

today. horsemouth has made it to saturday. sunday he goes to play guitar (so he should do some prep). he should also do some reading (probably more lovecraft, maybe some more rousseau if he feels inspired). he types this sat up in bed wearing a hoodie and a jumper

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