Friday 4 November 2022

they have taken the offerings they have taken. they have disdained the offerings they have disdained.

horsemouth is up with he lark. well actually he's up with the binmen. 

the drama of the week is over. they have taken the offerings they have taken. they have disdained the offerings they have disdained. well in fact no it seems to be a multistage process. there are policies and rules (its just that no one can be bothered to read them, they would rather wax indignant over the leavings).

maybe horsemouth is projecting and no one will wax indignant this week. 

the mountain of unclaimed washing up in the kitchen continues to grow. a flat mate has been ill and is presumably of the opinion that he is excused his washing up as a result of this (or maybe that it ceases to be his when he has left it a week) or perhaps that is ceases to be his if it is moved from its original spot of maximum inconvenience. 

last night horsemouth watched massacre time (classic spaghetti western). sadistic rich people versus george hamilton and franco nero as mis-matched brothers. there was also the offer of to the devil a daughter. he finished off reading the whisperer in the darkness.  

in the morning a 2.4 mile walk there and then back with a meeting to discuss things then today another meeting on the social housing decarbonisation fund  (but this time on zoom so horsemouth doesn't get any exercise in). 

once he has done the meeting horsemouth is done for the week. sunday horsemouth goes to play guitar. 

it seems horsemouth has been doing it all wrong. he was recently offered the services of an AI (or artificial intelligence) to write his blogspot for him - they showed him a photo of a cute little robot (called jasper) but horsemouth doubts it will be this one doing the writing. similarly horsemouth remembers when he had just discovered the acting/ voice-over gig an advert revealed to him that there was text reading software that was 'tunable' to produce a more idiomatic, human performance. so that was horsemouth out of a future possible job. soon only clicking links will be left to us as work. 

in any event the jobless rate is set to rise to 6.5 % - the better to facilitate wage negotiations for the bosses, but in fact no, its just random not part of any great planet-wide conspiracy (other than the normal operation of capitalism and 'the anarchy of the markets' as workers' power used to put it). horsemouth is impressed that the situation can change so suddenly from workers are in short supply (and so may need to be paid more) to, there are too many workers (we can afford to pay them less). 

horsemouth is convinced that a long term experiment is under way to see how little people can be paid before they just stop turning up. 

still mustn't grumble (especially as other AIs will be examining horsemouth's output for disloyalty). 

meanwhile what are the environment agency planning to do about river pollution? why stop testing for it of course! 

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