Sunday 4 December 2022

horsemouth and the land that time forgot (grass grows on motorways)

horsemouth is back from visiting howard in far off east ham. they headed off almost immediately to the pub with the pizza (2 pints, a pizza and a carbonara) followed by 2 more at the big empty pub on the corner (where they played some pool). there (very wisely) they called a halt. 

howard is tired but on good form. he is back from madrid over half-term (having seen maria and tyson et al. and grassed over motorways).

howard wanted a psychology book for a sculpture (you know the sort of thing - draw on the pages - william kentridge etc.) horsemouth took a selection from his collection - the bluffers guide to  winnicott seemed the best, old, slightly dirty, full of foldings over, underlinings  and post-it notes. quite why it had to be a psychology book horsemouth is not clear (but it's as good a guide to selection as anything). 

when he got back in horsemouth just caught the end of the land that time forgot on tv. susan penhaligon, part written by michael moorcock, doug mc clure. after that he snoozed a bit, read some clark ashton smith and went to bed early. 

he is up this morning. it is curiously cold. grey skies. later a walk. horsemouth should plug the phone in so it recharges. 

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