Monday 5 December 2022

space is ridged/ hergest deep

 horsemouth's hat seems to have gone missing (tragedy).

ah well. he's up he's had his coffee (ok he has a little left). he has a spare hat (but it's not as good). 

horsemouth is listening to the james blackshaw (it reminds him of space is deep for some reason or maybe hergest ridge  by mike oldfield). 

at one point horsemouth had plans to do some hermeto pascoal  style ambient percussion on the start of one of his pieces (the rainstick, the martian death rattle (a golf ball in a pringles container), john's thumb piano, TG's water bottle semi-filled with water and rotated) 

ok problems Publishing post... horsemouth is not so bothered Update failed. he can always copy the test into a textfile and return to it later. 

yesterday a visit over to TG's to drop off the keys, later a walk up the hill to ayesha for a moan about the current political situation (which curiously enough cheered him up), ayesha fed him (baked stuffed peppers that was good) and afterwards cake.  

later a similar conversation about the current political situation with his mum (but from the other side).

and the media - more clark ashton smith, a 1958 noir film the screaming mimi with anita ekberg, lifted from a a fredric brown novel. the inspiration for dario argento's the bird with the crystal plumage apparently. (horsemouth used to have a four novel compilation of his - including the one that is the basis for rear window). horsemouth had a few of these black box  four crime novel packages -  jim thompson, jerome charyn (the isaac novels) etc.

horsemouth is keen to get out of town early to avoid the rail strikes. he needs to hunt down a joan armatrading record (and then he thinks he is ready). remind horsemouth to test before he goes. he has a cold clearly (but he doesn''t think it is anything else). he doesn't want to be a typhoid mary exporting the plague to his aged parents. 

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