Tuesday 31 January 2023

books, films, gigs, events january 2023


- jacques lacan: death of an intellectual hero (stuart schneiderman) started.

- south of nowhere (antonio lobo antunes) a translation of 'os cus de judas'

- soul survivor (p.p. arnold) autobiography

- the traveller (benjamin crais), appreciation of robert kramer, NLR sidecar

- edward said 'on late style' fragment on adorno

- the world that made new orleans (ned sublette)

- head-on  and repossessed (julian cope autobiographies)

- introduction to NLR jan/feb 2020 by susan waktin

- the poem 'thoughts' in  'leaves of grass' (walt whitman)

- the new weather (anne carson) LRB blog


- gestos y fragmentos: ensaio sobre os militares e o poder (alberto seixas santos, 1982) 

- cenas da luta de classes em portugal (robert kramer)

-  point of departure (robert kramer)

- kill list

- onibaba

- one wish too many (part set in chrisp street market)

- hawkbinge podcast: episode 15. chronicle of the black sword

-  fight the power (chuck D's history of rap - four episodes)

- documentary on film noir

- the detectorists, series one.

- the prisoner: election episode

- the rest is politics, outlaw bookseller, book pilled/ thrift a life

- a timeline of the capitol riot put together by VICE magazine

- somewhere in the night (joseph l. mankiewitcz noir)

- four songs on regional TV (pentangle)

- what do management consultants do? (laleh khalili and thomas jones). LRB podcast. 


triple negative, officine, angusraze at cafe OTO


death of stella chiweshe, year of the rabbit (cat) commences, friday 13th (first of the year), saw jimmy page's tapestries (at the william morris museum), john visits, howard visits, less walking with TG. death of ronald blythe.

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