Thursday 19 January 2023

requiems... memorials... threnodies... elegies...

 'by then, he had fully transformed into what edward said called a “lamenting personality,”'

good morning! good morning!

horsemouth is up and it is a cold day out. he has been suffering of late from some dental pain but he has been to the dentist and they have formulated a treatment plan. this plan eschews the fashionable cosmetic whitening but does allow for a deeper clean that should begin to sort out some of his gum disease (eww.) and the replacement of a broken filling (from years ago). 

horsemouth is not utterly convinced that they are dealing with the main problem but they are at least dealing with the most obvious problems.   

horsemouth is slightly embarrassed. compared to many of his friends his problems are very minor. 

many of horsemouth's friends seem affected by back disorders - current means of production entail people spending too much time in uncomfortable positions or lifting heavy loads without adequate breaks. horsemouth is a classic laptop hunchback (he plays guitar similarly), here he is sat up in bed hunched round his laptop (and this probably isn't very good for his spine). of course now as soon as horsemouth gets uncomfortable he can stop and go and do something else - this wasn't always possible when he worked. 

when horsemouth worked there was much consideration about the danger of RSI (repetitive strain injury) but  to slightly higher status workers than horsemouth. the dangers of RSI for workers of horsemouth's type were not generally appreciated (to the extent of being deliberately ignored). 

in general (other than his lungs) horsemouth has always had pretty robust health and (touch wood) has never had any major health problems (yet). more of us are living longer (less so the poor) and have more years of good health (again less so the poor). once again the message is don't be poor - you will die earlier and you will spend more years of your life sick and suffering. (that's the cheerful news). 

the main reason people's teeth are shit (horsemouth opines) is the amount of sugar in the diet (though neglect of horsemouth's type doesn't help). sugar is smuggled into all processed foods (fat also), it is the secret sauce that makes everything taste if not great then at least sweet.  sugar, of course, was one of the major crops of slavery, before cotton, more in the caribbean than on the continental united states. 

horsemouth has been reading a history of new orleans (which is deeply implicated in all these things) - to give an example it seems the founder of tulane university was a descendant of  refugees from the slave uprising in saint dominigue (haiti) who ended up in princeton new jersey (huguenots interestingly enough). 

horsemouth's needs are small. anyway hopefully progress is being made. 

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