Wednesday 18 January 2023

the condemned man ate a hearty breakfast (desert island disks)

horsemouth has reached the morning of the dental appointment (paracetamol, clove oil, hot water bottle). now all that remains is to get there on time. he's having the cup of coffee.

yesterday a visit from TG. horsemouth didn't fancy going out for a walk in the cold weather so him and TG sat in the living room - the cold from having the window slightly open set off horsemouth's teeth (so it was a brief visit). 

horsemouth mostly sat about and read pretty much all day long. he has been reading the world that made new orleans by ned sublette. this is a great history of new orleans and the forces that worked upon it to bring it into being. horsemouth was aware of new orleans french history but he had not realised it had a  spanish history as well (that this is where the marching bands came from). he has a book on new france (the french empire in america that briefly came into being) and he will now have to re-read this. the author previously wrote a history of cuba. his book is attentive to the power politics that brought new orleans into being but also how small and conditional its existence was. 

he watched the detectorists. he went to bed. he listened to some of the rest is politics until he realised that they were from the johnson era (and so hopelessly out of date). there is a curious thing about out of date politics. 

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