Thursday 12 January 2023

strangely sensuous

horsemouth is back from seeing triple negative at cafe OTO. things are beginning to open up post-pandemic (if indeed we are post pandemic). 

he saw enza, darsavini (newly relocated to west london), john cunningman, john and sarah, TG, demetra, but there were loads of others. and then of course there was matthew and anya and denis. before the gig he chatted to kozo from the headliners officine (there had been a power cut and everybody was  late soundchecking). angusraze he very much enjoyed, they were fronted by a youngster from wakefield now living down in kent.(bryan? ryan?). slam dancing as spectator sport (whooda thunk it?).

triple negative were strangely sensuous this time (kind of like PIL circa the flowers of romance or flux at the time of uncarved block). it was one of those gigs where it sounded fine out front but not so good to the band onstage. john (cunningman) opined that it was a kind of dub that functioned by accretion  rather than subtraction. horsemouth thinks the sightlines for them onstage are pretty terrible anyway. 

officine were engagingly hardcore. sarah was talking about doing improv things (horsemouth has always been scared of improv). 

horsemouth drank a fair bit (the expense of that is going to sting when he sees it) and was in a remarkably cheerful mood. he took cash out (but of course the modern world is largely cashless).  he returned on the bus. 

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