Sunday 19 February 2023

horsemouth is back from a walk

' I have come a long was since I left my house in masushino,

determined to become 'a weather-exposed  skeleton''. 

-  matsuo bashō, records of a weather-exposed  skeleton. 

in horsemouth's first encounter with this poem someone had attached it to a painting of the bones of a dead horse in a ruined farmhouse. (you can see why this would appeal to him)

horsemouth is back from  a walk. horsemouth tried inviting howard out but he had to cry off due to art going well. 

first he walked over to dalston junction. then he got the train down to new cross. (it reminded him of going to work). he remembered the police getting the sniffer dog over to him in the station hall (encouraged by his dreadlocks presumably). 

and there on the platform he met anthony (who he hasn't seen in years since pre-pandemic days). thence they took the train to blackheath (the south side of the heath). this train had earlier been delayed by horses upon the track. 

the crew began gathering opposite blackheath station. once they  had assembled  they headed off.

in their first iteration they didn't get very far - as far as the museum of neo-liberalism (by the side of the old A20 I sat down and wept). behind the museum a parade of modern shops due for demolition. a second hand book-shop (of the pile-'em-high variety) that horsemouth barred himself from visiting, an extensive charity shop. 

further down the A20 (having crossing the quaggy, it turns out and recrossing it later), they walked up into kidbrooke (through miles of pebbledashed suburbs and landscaped new build) and then over the hills of oxleas wood, past dave courtney's house to plumstead common and then the dosa house (about 8 miles all told of the actual walk). 

by the time they got to the dosa house horsemouth needed a beer.

then, gentle readers, they ate. 

and delicious it was. behind horsemouth's head bollywood videos played. soon a pleasant mood of fullness and satiation developed.   

glyn had to go off to a prior engagement. they then walked back to the crossrail station at woolwich and had a brief visit with deus lunus. the party broke up at whitechapel railway station with everyone going their own way. 

horsemouth returned via the overground to dalston junction station and then (ahem) walked back. 

there will be photos (but maybe not just yet). 

today (hopefully) a rehearsal with pete. monday horsemouth helps with removals. wednesday a meeting of the communal endeavour (fahey week begins). 

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