Saturday 18 February 2023

horsemouth is off for a walk

horsemouth is off for a walk (that at least is the plan) with darsavini,  john cunningman,  anthony, glyn.

where? somewhere dahn sarf. he's sent howard an email in case he wants to join. in a bit he will work out how to get there. 

yesterday horsemouth was feeling underwhelmed. 

fortunately he cheered up when he got round to cooking and eating dinner (the usual beans and pasta thing but still). he made the unfortunate discovery that some of his sweet potatoes had gone off already (ah well they can be fed to the compost heap).  

he then watched vampira with david niven (not a film that has aged well). 

in the day he read some of the NLR jan-feb 2020 (the pandemic is about to hit but no-one knows it is coming and everyone is busy with their political concerns). by the march-april NLR the north of italy and the UK will be in lockdown and agamben will be arguing against it

horsemouth will be staying in for the duration of the pandemic (and be staying sat down). the working class (of course) will continue having to go to work and risk death. curiously the first stage of the lockdown horsemouth enjoys (it is the apocalypse he would have chosen - the one of staying in and reading books and going for walks once in a while). 

he views the walk as part of a re-connection with his life from before the pandemic. 

in the jan-feb edition of the NLR he finds susan watkins' britain's decade of crisis an able summary of the insanity of british politics up until that point. it takes us up to boris's election victory and the crazed get brexit done  era. of course since then things have got much worse as the financial markets have bounced the bill for brexit (and the ukraine war and climate change etc.) back onto working people rather than onto the rich (surprise surprise).  

the populist candidates have all been deposed, the leveling up will not happen, the tory opportunity to take the north has (largely) been lost, and we face austerity all round. the government are reduced to beating value out of 50 year olds who want to leave the workforce and live on their savings (how very very dare they).when the government stands up and argues that the main economic impediment to prosperity is that wages cannot be lowered sufficiently then we have to ask where we are. 

anyway (as he said) horsemouth is off for a walk. he will try to produce a decentish account of it. 

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