Friday 16 June 2023

where is horsemouth to live? (horsemouth digital nomad)

horsemouth's human handler paul helliwell has been polishing up horsemouth's book reviews (as published here) and publishing them as his own over on goodreads!

the rotter! as a friend notes paul helliwell is a dodgy character (horsemouth should probably ban him). 

but they may prove useful to you if you don't fancy reading through all these tedious blogposts (with all their distractions) in order to discover how his reading is going. p.s. he isn't 'currently reading' commonwealth he left it back in london. 

book-pilled/ thrift a life has been SF book shopping in mexico city. it is fun guessing what the SF book titles would be in english from their spanish titles. he has also posted videos of him wandering around the scrubland bird spotting. he seems to be having a great time. but then he is on holiday really. can he make it to digital nomad status? making enough money from the digital stuff to fund one long holiday? (only time will tell).

horsemouth has also been listening to spain speaks out of valencia - spain rolls towards an election on 29th july, the podemos wave has broken and the right wing parti popular and vox stand ready to pick up the disgruntled voters.

'(I) had only to listen to hear my own world talking'  - ronald blythe (author of akenfield) quoted in craig taylor's return to akenfield. 

the original plan with akenfield was to get ethnographic reviews done of communities from all over europe by outsiders. there may be some virtue to this schema. (it is kind of what is going on in christ stopped at eboli or in freya stark's accounts of life in arab villages). blythe, on the other hand, was a local (like laurie lee also). it's stay at home writing it's not travel writing. 

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