Thursday 15 June 2023

a spell for summoning the spirits of family members

on monday, june 19th, from midnight to midnight PST, bandcamp  will hold their fourth annual juneteenth fundraiser, where they donate 100% of their share of sales to the NAACP legal defence fund, 'a racial justice organization with a long history of effectively enacting change through litigation, advocacy, and public education' as they put it.

like the bandcamp mondays horsemouth effectively thinks it is advertising for bandcamp and yet he welcomes the political gesture because  the money raised is real and the cause is good. horsemouth thinks everybody who is likely to buy musicians of bremen recordings in this particular wave has done so already, but, hey singers and players, it might be a good time to advertise anything you have on bandcamp.

horsemouth is impressed with bandcamp as a means of making music audible and available 

(and in the same way that he is not impressed with spotify) and yet he remains a bigger fan of CDs - there was a brief period with CD-Rs and CD burners on computers where there was an even more democratic dissemination technology. (unfortunately horsemouth let this period pass him by). 

recently there was a tom service documentary on radio 4 about music and money, jacques attali did not get mentioned. horsemouth checked out the wikipedia entry on  attali's noise - it's very good, admirably clear but it doesn't mention attali's rewrite of bruits the french original of the book. 

more music from alice coltrane is surfacing. 

here circumstances don't sound ideal.  the woman  playing violin is swami gurucharananda. they are beset by sound problems, a wobbly mic-stand and an unsympathetic organ sound but there are some good moments nonetheless.  you can hear the audience get into it. a friend has posted him over alice coltrane and carlos santana's angel of sunlight which is a great tune and one of their best collaborations (in horsemouth's humble opinion). 

last night he watched canoe man (the dude who faked his own death to claim on the insurance by paddling out to sea in a canoe). we are in to the depressing bit (the bit where him and his wife get caught). he would have watched the last episode of the crag valley coiners (that seemed to end with a big party). 

yesterday a phonecall leading to a face-to-face meeting next wednesday. today more beautiful weather, a little light watering, probably a walk on the common. this morning there were rabbits on the lawn outside horsemouth's window (now there are swifts flying round and round). he's been seeing more rabbits up on the common. he often sees kites and buzzards high up in the air being messed with by the local crows. 

horsemouth is nearly at the end of reading relative stranger by mary loudon and written about her sister catherine. it ends with a spell mary found in her sister's notebooks (the one page she kept), it reads like a spell for summoning the spirits of family members and then bidding them farewell. 

'6. then say 'goodbye til next time' smiling.

blow the candle out at stop incense sticks. 

this gives them safe return to heaven until next time.'

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