Wednesday 14 June 2023

on changing names, on new identities

horsemouth is up early. it is truly beautiful out  there. he's feeling a little deflated (but that may clear). he's not sure he's made the right decision, or assisted with the decision made. only time will tell. 

horsemouth had a week of activity - which felt good, it felt like stuff was being achieved, but now they are back to being stuck. 

anyway today a phonecall. horsemouth hopes that is the right decision. 

the book (relative strangers - which is variously subtitled, in horsemouth's parents' edition  a life after death) continues well. there are various intersections with horsemouth's interests, hoarding for example. this really turns on what the correct use of a wardrobe is, and the importance of having one, of putting things away, of having the appropriate quantity of things. there are tensions between the inside and the outside, between self-expression and art.

there is also interesting stuff on changing names, on new identities (which should, of course, be of interest to horsemouth). 

a quarter of the UK believes covid was a hoax and yet we have the start of the judicial inquiry into it. totnes seems to have gone mental. to be honest horsemouth has still not done his reading of the institute of economic affairs report into the lockdown. 

horsemouth doesn't view lockdown as a dreadful imposition by the government because he wanted them to call for lockdown earlier than they did and was already shutting up shop himself. his plan would have been to stay sat down throughout the pandemic and to encourage others to do likewise. people were changing their behaviours before the government called for lockdown and one difficulty is calculating how many lives were saved by people staying sat down and how much by the government lockdown. in sweden the measures mandates were less strict (but by-and-large) people just stayed in anyway. 

horsemouth has his coffee. that's cheering him up (and clearing a mild headache). 

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