Tuesday 20 June 2023

soon enough the shortest night (fonotone stomp)

'it will be missed. some of it will be missed: the part that cannot be out into words.' - ronald blythe, writer, 83, in craig taylor's return to akenfield. 

 'the truth is that provence is a very strange place', lawrence durrell in ceasar's vast ghost. 

above some footage of ragtime ralph playing the fonotone stomp live from the deck of a ferry. it has that jazz age energy. 

horsemouth is up early. he is  yet to sneak downstairs for a coffee. outside it is raining. in fact it has just finished. bbc weather suggests further rain later (and tomorrow afternoon too).  horsemouth has been enjoying the sun and the heat. 

tonight the shortest night. 

last night he dipped into ceasar's vast ghost by lawrence durrell 'the truth is that provence is a very strange place', there are photos too. he watched novara media, spain speaks and reviews of i'm thinking of ending things ((by charlie kaufman). he watched mark kermode's review of under the silver lake (he hated it) and the available clips from it. 

in the day he did a bit of thinning out in the garden, he pulled up the radishes that had bolted, he put up some canes to stabilise the broad beans. he got his dad's advice on what to do (it's not like he's suddenly developed green thumbs). earlier he managed a walk up to the top of the common. 

he read a bit of the daily torygraph that is catastrophizing over the rise in interest rates, net zero etc. 


is horsemouth reading these figures correctly?  

of the 650 MPs 289 didn't vote for the report censuring boris johnson. that's getting on for half of parliament.

of the 357 tory MPs at least 225 (possibly more)  either abstained or arranged to be elsewhere (including the PM). so getting on for 2/3rds of the party. that's hardly a position of strength with the PM is ducking the row.  

that's hardly a ringing condemnation of boris or a full blooded repudiation of him.  presumably tory MPs are either not convinced that boris would ever lie to them or are unbothered if he did. 

horsemouth advises the same strategy that works with zombies or vampires. double tap or a stake through the heart...

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