Monday 19 June 2023

'watch this if you feel like you are ready to give up on your dreams'

horsemouth types this. it is about 8am. he was dreaming about being on a road trip with max but at some point they offended their hosts, stuck for something to do max started cooking dinner. that kept horsemouth asleep for a while longer, he was hanging out for some free food.

the title of today's presentation comes from an artspeak NLP course (horsemouth gave up on it when he saw it was a talking head video). he watched a few shitsville USA videos (jackson - murder capital of the USA, the west virginia coal fields, gary indiana). magnitorsk (the soviet steel town) apparently contains an almost exact copy of the gary steelmills. 

soon enough the shortest night and the longest day.

at some point yesterday the skies opened and didn't it rain children. before that started horsemouth had got his dad outside to plot the thinning out of various planted vegetables. they picked some broad beans which they had for dinner. horsemouth was on form, he routed round the BBC 1 and BBC 2 issue (reception on the downstairs TV is poor for them (but strangely ok for BBC's 1 and 2 HD), he negotiated some compromise on a vexing issue. 

before that there was a delivery (cheers sten). horsemouth definitely has enough coffee to hold him for the next little while. 

horsemouth watches the skies (well he watches the newspapers, ok ok he looks online) to see if there is any advance on the FOUR by-elections (timeline - possibly up to 3 months for them to agree the warrant for them in parliament then 21 to 27 days of campaigning, so they all should be clustered together). 

ok it's warming up outside horsemouth should get a move on and get in a second cup of coffee. the week begins. 

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