Friday 2 June 2023

'among the simple and quiet words...'

it's the nine of flowers in the countryfile calendar tarot (horsemouth went around changing all the calendar's he could find in the house to the new month of june).

nine of flowers would be in the minor arcana. let's talk about nines in the minor arcana.

'the nines represent the penultimate step of a journey. For some suits like the cups and pentacles, it's smooth sailing to the end. others, like the swords and the wands, are more of a challenge. a trial of sorts...

nines require deeper thinking and wider vistas.' - incandescent tarot blog. for swords and wands the ending isn't good, for cups and pentacles the nine and the ten are marvelously affirming.

tomorrow (well today by the time horsemouth 'publishes' this) he is on his way to a meeting.

hopefully the meeting will move things forward. there's another meeting on the 7th of june (hopefully that will move things along too). 

soon the waiting will be over (for now)

horsemouth was a little headachey and solarized so he was off to bed early (it is odd writing about things he is doing in the past tense because he knows that by the time he comes to publish it it will be in the past). horsemouth started reading a little of rainer maria rilke's letters to a young poet.

'search for the reason that bids you to write... whether you would have to die if it were denied you to write...

do not believe that he who seeks to comfort you lives untroubled among the simple and quiet words...'.

it is certainly very helpful to horsemouth (and perhaps even to his human companion paul) to be able to write, whether he would die if he couldn't do it is another matter. he has the complete essays of montaigne  out as well (that's a housebrick of a book).  

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