Tuesday 12 September 2023

in which we go the way of the horse (towards obsolescence)

 'anyone, provided that he can be amusing, has the right to talk to himself.'  - baudelaire

yesterday horsemouth went out for a walk with TG. they got a coffee and some cake over at the olympic village. later horsemouth took advantage of the clearing out of the living-room of dead cardboard packaging to get up close and personal with the TV (the remote has died). 

this enabled him to watch laura K's state of chaos (or rather chaos of the state 9pm BBC2). himself and sten watched cameron and teresa may get scythed down by 'the awkward squad' within their own party and were encouraged to view this as some kind of tragedy or loss. (we lost pigf***er, captain austerity (george osborne) and little miss hostile environment - you will pardon horsemouth if he does not cry).

we are with laura's breathless over-identification with the ruling class. 

in terms of global politics the country has chosen to knacker itself and retreat off the world stage into a dream of little england (scones and pasties all round). and so we go the way of the horse (towards obsolescence). in some ways this is not so bad - there is little the UK can do in the world except act as a tail-gunner for the US in pointless wars, it might have been able to participate more in the EU's not doing very much (but then they weren't doing very much beyond ensuring peace and stability in europe). 

domestically it is bad news with serious knock on effects upon the economy. and thus the amount of money in the workers' pockets. the key question is whether the british working class can organise to defend itself  - if it can't then things for them will be very rough indeed (and just tickety-boo for the rich). 

next up, in the horror show that was the 2010s, more brexit to be followed by covid (2020 onwards). 

and for our next featured presentation  the climate crisis. 

'we are fucked already - it's the wile e. coyote moment - we have run off the cliff but we haven't noticed yet because we are still running.'

opines horsemouth. but a friend was saying this already. 

from horsemouth's position (in the trenches on this) it doesn't look very good. there is a vast amount of infrastructure (the big expensive stuff) that has to be built and also paid for. there is a vast infrastructure (the gas grid for example) that has to be decommissioned and dismantled. none of this is planned for (c.f. brexit - was there a plan? no). 

money has to be found to do the necessary works but the most likely variety of decarbonisation is less use driven by increasing prices (let us hope and pray that winters will be milder). 

over on novara media a girl who did PPE at oxford and is just back from a surfing holiday in latin america tells us about the monoculture that is the british ruling class (sans blague).  come the the crisis they will step into the breach and ensure that strange british semi-feudal continuity of class power. 

horsemouth's plan for the next few years is to learn to grow food and to disguise his political opinions.

today cooler weather with thundery showers in the afternoon (maybe).  

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