Monday 11 September 2023

ring ring 7am (week 2 begins/ normal service is resumed)

horsemouth is back with you after the post-drinking anxiety fest. (ok ok less sympathy at the back there it's really not so bad).

whilst the air temperature is warm the sky has gone out. grey cloud has been installed low over his head. 

he's slightly in the doghouse from failing to go see howard the day after (but it will clear he thinks). 

actually it doesn't take alarm bells to wake horsemouth up in the morning these days (the guilt will usually do it). 

he watched the lady from shanghai - evil rich people, the virtuous poor. (rita hayworth, orson welles).  he read a old FT weekend magazine. he has marked out the three weeks of his holiday on his calendar (the bulk of september out to the equinox).  week 2 begins/ normal service is resumed. today 25-26C, dry, possible rain tomorrow afternoon.

the laramie is tuned open D6. horsemouth has to plot which guitars to take back with him/ which to leave down here for possible recording/ playing contingencies. he should probably try and take a tranche of books back (while there are plenty of books at his parents' house they are not all to his taste). this is the difficulty of knowing what will actually be to his taste when he gets there. he thinks he will want to read christ stopped at eboli again, and probably reveries of a solitary walker

yesterday horsemouth was bored. so bored he cleaned the woodwork on the stairs (this follows on from his mopping of the kitchen floor). his problem now is to work out how to clean the stairway carpet (it is very dusty and neglected). he did two walks - a powerscroft road book box (and round), and an 'over-onto-the-marshes and round by the lee valley offices' walk.  

first off he's going for a walk with TG today. 

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