Wednesday 13 December 2023

'spectacularly unhelpful if not downright obstructive'

so horsemouth's brother described their mother's bank. horsemouth was annoyed (and he wasn't even there). he went off for a stomp round the common - vituperating imaginary enemies  until the rain had cooled him down. 

'instead of working - I have written only one page (exegesis of the 'legend') - looked through the finished chapters and found parts of them good.'  - franz kafka, diaries,  13th december 1914. 

this morning (by the time you read this) horsemouth should be engaged in returning to the great wen - assuming everything goes to plan he is back early enough to meet up with enza, then return home and then go off to the lankum gig (to meet up with howard but siobhan will be there somewhere). thursday morning he will be nipping into the office to visit colin and andy and then off for a walk with TG. thereafter he has no plans. 

horsemouth questions the wisdom of attending the great wen, socialising and such like, when the next wave of omicron covid is getting going (but what can one do). 

the COP looks like a wave of fuckery. the hour is getting so late and the need to lie and pretend to be doing something  is diminishing. the climate minister and the uk government were taking it all very seriously, he left  early, he was flown back to vote on an immigration bill.  well done youth for not letting COP go down unopposed.

horsemouth has a tv thing to watch with his mum (and then the news probably). then bed. sleep. and in the morning off to the wen. 

facebook invited horsemouth to become the admin on a group but when he checked with the people currently running the group they were fine without him. a friend has got his recording set up back working again (horsemouth has probably botched his opportunity to go in and test it). 

horsemouth has done some marking up of the 2007 RNLI year planner to permit him to use it as a diary of 2024 for the first 59 days (after 28th february he will have to alter all the dates are abandon it for another notebook). 

it is the morning. it's 7.39 and it is dark out there. merest glimmers of light on the horizon. (horsemouth can't see why anybody would be up at this time except for work purposes). it is cloudy (so there are not even any stars). 

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