Tuesday 12 December 2023

the horsemouth on the golden glow guest DJ season begins

phew. horsemouth just got a most surprising email. it has thrown him all into a lather. in the words of the song 'the hustle never ends'.  horsemouth is tired. he just wishes it could be easy (just this fucking once). 

first he needs to get clarity about what he is seeing (what he is seeing now could contain lots of different things already, or conversely they could not be in there yet and he needs to know which it is). then he needs to get perspective on it and 'mourn' the bad news in it so he can present it most effectively, 

but first he needs to begin this bargaining and then close it down so that he can go to sleep. 

well that's his mood spoilt. 

let's draw a line under it and see if it works. 


phew. ok it's the morning. it seems to have worked. horsemouth has his head round it.

the horsemouth on the golden glow guest DJ season begins.

horsemouth listened to his selections from the 12th december 2021 (12.12.2021). 

there's some great stuff here -the staple singers etc. (horsemouth was going to lift that tune (well the rolling stones version)). then popul vuh wearing their folk hats (is it?). 

the photo adorning it is from the fall of the house of fitzgerald or rather from one of the set up photo sessions (horsemouth thinks taken by suke).

the season is clustered around the winter solstice (22nd december this year). there will horsemouth curated golden glows  the 12th, 18th and 24th. he may post up some of howard's from their respective days in december as well. 

next year (2024) is a leap year. 

it contains a pesky leap day (february 29th). 

thinking about diaries from other years that might have the same dates and days of the week, only diaries from leap years would count because only they would have the leap day, and only one in four years is a leap year so presumably it could take four times as long for the days to match as it does for a normal year.  a brief websearch reveal that leap years repeat every 28 years -e.g.  the leap year that was in 2012 will repeat in 2040. 

in this way what 2024 most resembles is 1996. what it resembles least is 2010. 

horsemouth has just found his dad's (barely used) 2007 RNLI year planner - it too (like 2024) begins on a monday the 1st january but it is not a leap year (so it parts company with 2024 at february 28th). horsemouth may use it as a diary for next year and relabel the other 301 days of the year. alternatively he may wait until 2029 when it will match for the entire year. 

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