Tuesday 30 January 2024

books, films, gigs, events january 2020(4)


- the valleys of the assassins (freya stark)

- alive, alive oh! and other things that matter (diana athill)

- introduction to 'john clare by himself' (eds. eric robinson and david powell), LRB piece 'john clare out of copyright' by simon kövesi 

the cleobury mortimer and ditton priors light railway (OPC 1980)

- a quick peek at dumbstruck by steven connor

- torygraph;  an article on yemen, an article on gaza, an article on chicken shit in the wye, an interview with the Qanon shaman, an article on log burning. 

- benefits of handwriting article

- rhiannon giddens at the grammys post


- brave new worlds (SF doc.) 1993

- rob the nomad (homelessness and hiking)

- nomadland (I live in a car)

- hawkwinge (space bandits)

- the kids are alt-right 

- the eyes of laura mars (giallo adjacent/ john carpenter script)

- sun tunnels (nancy holt)

- various of howard's 'golden glow' mixes 

- bulletin of the atomic scientists documentary

- lots of nina conti's ventriloquism

- universal clock: the resistance of peter watkins

- postmasters and post mistresses drama (ITV)

- die with zero videos

- 'blue nights' excerpt (joan didion and griffin dunne)

- architect and artist joana astolfi film about the portuguese word “desenrascanço”

-  interview with roland allen author of ‘the notebook: a history of thinking on paper’ 

- thrift a life/ bookpilled, outlaw bookseller, novara media. spain speaks.

- triple negative interviewed

- social housing doc. (tortoise: episode 1)

- junkopia (chris marker et al.)

- skillsbuilder video on banks buying up new homes

- not the finger in the ear show

- walking london's black path

gigs none


ptah the el daoud day, koln concert anniversary, centre point occupation 50ieth anniversary, fish island underwater, death of melanie safka, wolf moon, st. brigid's eve.

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