Wednesday 31 January 2024

day two back in the seaside towns

GLC and the 'spoons 
(a match made in heaven)

horsemouth is on his second day back in the seaside towns. 

what has he been up to? well he was up early at 8am and then he went S-H-O-P-P-I-N-G  ladies and gentlemen. he went to aldi (3 miles there and back) to purchase a selection of staples to keep him fed for the next week or so. 

(ok ok he did hit the aldi bookbox - nothing nothing nothing)

he probably has bought too much food and will either have to take some back to herefordshire with him or leave it here as a starter pack for the next visit. 

horsemouth has cooked and eaten some of this already (red kidney bean, onion, chili, tomato and pasta) and he has mopped the kitchen and corridor floor (it all gets a bit mucky when he's not here). he will try and get in a few other cleaning tasks over the next few days. 

in a bit he goes off to andrew minty's. (3 miles there - he may get the bus back). they may even go out for a sneaky pint. 

well he says in a bit. it will be a few hours yet. 

(ok ok the had two pints in the end before minty sensibly called a halt. did they go to a 'spoons? yes they did. and horsemouth walked there and back again - added exercise.)

hereinafter it's wednesday afternoon  (today by the time you read this) a lunchtime wander round the park (with enza maybe - 4 miles there and back).  thursday a meeting (4 miles ditto), a zoom meeting and then in the evening he's off to his brother's for dinner. thereafter he's probably staying sat down and recovering until sunday afternoon (tour of vauxhall). he doesn't want to walk a hole in his foot like he did last time.

wednesday horsemouth will also publish his  books, films, gigs, events list for january 2020(4). 

books (you must understand) is books, newspapers, online newspaper articles, blog posts etc. (basically anything read), films are films, vlogs, youtube clips, podcasts (basically anything watched or listened to), gigs are gigs to which horsemouth physically went to or listened to or watched online, events are just events in the world (or in horsemouth's life). 

he's up. he has his coffee. he thinks he finished off the toast last thing last night so it's museli for breakfast. 

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