Saturday 13 January 2024

demonstrate humanity! (technical recession)

oof! horsemouth has just attempted to order something by telephone banking (kill him now).  the woman in india was chatty but there was a fuck of a lot of background noise that made it hard to hear anything. in the end they seem to have made it. (woop de doo)

buck curran's track winter solstice 1, a tribute to steffen basho-junghans was recorded on the day of the winter solstice 2022 using robbie basho's antique  12 string guitar (there's a campaign set up to help pay for its restoration). the video was filmed on location in bergamo, italy, on the 13th of january 2023 by david james logan. so it is the anniversary of filming the video. 

it all sounds (and looks) great - they are obviously working with the limitations of the guitar which is kind of like steffen's way of working.  

there's an album of other tribute tracks to steffen

'a sweeping counterfactual description of the conflict' 

the hell that is the ethnic cleansing (at a minimum) of gaza continues but the supply chain choke point that is the red sea will concern us more (because it will drive inflation in europe and the uk).  but no we will be more concerned about the postmasters. 

horsemouth is feeling bilious and bored. he spends too much time on youtube (and not enough time reading). he should make more effort to get on with freya stark's the valleys of the assassins. 

ok he will make that effort. freya tries to climb the throne of solomon. but she is recovering from illness, a perfidious guide leads her the wrong way and her party is defeated. 

'here was more than beauty. we were remote, as in a place closed by high barriers from the world. no map had yet printed its name for the eyes of strangers.'

horsemouth has finished reading the section on the assassins he will no go back and read her earlier journey in persia. 

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