Friday 12 January 2024

war in the east (war in the west)

bin brought back up. firewood brought over. walk on the common. 

bit of a grump. verifications. a meeting. another walk on the common. 

today (as will be) a visit from the podiatrist. 

it requires careful tap-dancing to stop the upcoming war in the east from starting. (because it has in fact already started). the job of the west is to stop the war from being declared and thus from being 'dragged into it'. in some ways horsemouth should welcome the war. once the warfare is commenced on several fronts apparent strength becomes weakness. resources must be diverted and thus divided and thus weakened.

horsemouth would of course prefer wisdom's alternative to war to all of this, but it doesn't seem to be available. 

horsemouth's mum's house is heated with oil - he should probably hurry up and order some more before it gets expensive.  

 by the end of next year something like half of humanity will have gone to the polls. the political map of the world could look very different. (horsemouth suspects the current brace of wars will still be with us though).

horsemouth's advice remains to flee - to become a refugee, to go and study abroad and then make it from there. the world does not care (enough). the world will not be coming to save you. 

it is the anniversary of the triple negative gig (this one reminded horsemouth of flowers of romance era PIL). a year ago, it's the anniversary of horsemouth going to see the mari lwyd (about four years ago). last year horsemouth was feeling anxious about communal endeavour stuff (and guess what? here he is being anxious about communal endeavour stuff). 

a grey morning (and probably cold out there). crows probably rabbits. 

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