Wednesday 24 April 2024

today dawned bright and beautiful in the beautiful city of troy...

wow! sudden explosion of temper just before horsemouth left. at the railway station cancelled trains. but all smooth from newport.

horsemouth met mikefromtexas and beckyfromcalgary at gordon's wine bar and they drank and chatted. there was some (drunken) approval of t.s.eliot. they all went their separate ways. horsemouth returned home, checked his post, went out and got a bag of chips, and went to bed early. 

the trouble with the inexperienced is that they want to have the great philosophical debates around housing. they want to express fashionable incredulity at the notion of affordable housing being set at 80% of market rent (horsemouth is just so over that). 

when horsemouth publishes this he will be back in the wen preparing for a meeting of the entire communal endeavour (or, as many as will turn up). really he doesn't want to have the philosophical debates anymore, he doesn't want to have the wild speculation on what things might be, rents might be, bed sizes might be. 

mexfield-beresford changed how horsemouth thought about housing co-ops. 

mexfield-beresford gave the people living in a particular house much greater rights over the future of that particular house than they had had previously. 

instead of housing co-ops being democratic organisations (one person one vote where all the members were equal and had an equal say in the future of the co-op) they became for him a co-operative of houses (the co-op owned) with an underclass of people living in the 'short-life' housing (who had less rights). in the terms of his opponents (when they claimed they were hard done by) it had become a two-tier co-op.  

to be clear horsemouth thought this was a bad thing. 

nonetheless he has accepted the logic of it and learned to work with the new dispensation. 

horsemouth (as usual) is knackered from the stress he holds regarding conflict.  

today dawned bright and beautiful in the beautiful city of troy...

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