Tuesday 23 April 2024

city of troy (abbey rota morning two reminder)

 interesting. a meeting that went well.

horsemouth had been stamping around the hills with steam coming out of his ears after the last one but this one was safe as houses (remind him to be on his guard for wednesday).  to achieve this horsemouth had to ignore a lot of self-serving bullshit about how wonderful communal living is (yes it is so wonderful you are trying to escape it for a single flat). 

the timing of the big bold proposal seems to have distracted people. horsemouth does not have any great faith in it working but he has to admit it would be beautiful if it did (which is why it probably won't). 

'according to the met office, 1,695.9mm of rain fell from october 2022 to march 2024, the highest amount recorded for any 18-month period in england.' 

(they are going to have to change the system of measurement  - that's 1.69 meters of rainfall!)

ah sweet global warming and climate change, warmer temperatures means more water evaporates means more rain and heavier rain. means more flash flooding. means longer floods. how will you grow food when your farmland is under water? 

city of troy

down at the abbey when horsemouth went to lock up, there was a canadian?/ american? tourist couple who arrived late. horsemouth let them wander round. while he was waiting out back in the cloisters there seemed to be a troy town maze cut into the grass (horsemouth wonders who did it and when). 

horsemouth is off back to the wen for a few days so his mum will be on abbey duty after this morning. he will try and meet up with mikefromtexas and attend a meeting of the communal endeavour while he is there, perhaps go for a walkaround with TG (and that's probably his lot).

the city of troy (whose walls were designed to confuse and trap an attacker) are probably not the best mental image for horsemouth to hold in his head while he goes to the city. 

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