Monday 22 April 2024

horsemouth on abbey rota duty (like the somme without the generals)

 there. horsemouth just put that there to remind himself last night. 

in a bit he will go and unlock the abbey (but first a blog). 

it's 7am horsemouth has his coffee. this will be an almost entirely written in the morning blogpost. it's a greyish day (horsemouth is due some rain). on first sight (on bbc weather) the week looks rubbish but on closer inspection it looks like there may be dry moments and even sun. 

horsemouth is now having a look at the GWARdian -there's an article on self-storage  as a symptom of the housing crisis.  ‘like the somme without the generals’  the local elections are looming and the tories are worried.  looks like the number of  MPs leaving parliament of their own hand at this election is up to 101 with mark menzies (most fun public figure since the crystal methodist) deciding to call it a day. 

horsemouth's reading of joan didion's where I was from proceeds apace - we are into the bohemian club, a drinking club started by satirists (ambrose bierce, samuel clemens) becomes a hang out for the powerful. out in the wilderness mark twain dies committed to improving the soil.

'in the solution of the great economic problems of the present age, I see a return to the soil.' 

oh dear the price of coffee beans is up (climate change) this is bad news for horsemouth. he has been and unlocked the abbey. his mum is up and around. in a bit he will go out and unlock the chickens (if his mum doesn't beat him to it). 

this evening a meeting of the communal endeavour (on zoom). horsemouth suspects it will be a difficult meeting and he suspects that the subsequent annual general meeting of the communal endeavour will be difficult also.  the way to think about it most productively is not as an arena of conflict but as a bureaucratic process, we are in the process of discovering what the members want. at the end of it horsemouth will probably have survived again. 

a big and bold proposal has been made but once again horsemouth thinks people will be unable to take it. he can't work out whether the timing will distract people or infuriate them (or, most likely,  a mixture of the two). 

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