Thursday 30 May 2024

drawing water from the well...

so horsemouth is back from his visit to howard. it is a cold, greyish, morning and horsemouth is recovering. 

they started work at 11. 

horsemouth took over the laramie tuned dadgad, the better to play go your way my love. horsemouth had taken a look at the fingerpicking tablature but soon he got frustrated with this and bodged a semi-strummed version so that he could practice singing it.  

his plan was to get howard to sing it and to leave himself to play it. this worked well. horsemouth recommended listening to the anne briggs version (but howard was resistant). looking at the anne briggs/ bert jansch version there is more for horsemouth to learn. 

then, picking up one of howard's guitars they worked on pastures of plenty. on this one horsemouth plans to sing with howard with howard playing most of the guitar and horsemouth just adding a few notes here and there. horsemouth is singing ok on it (he thinks). 

he then tried to persuade howard that the lobster quadrille by lewis carroll could be sung (or perhaps intoned) ontop of will you, won't you by howard. 

they did some work on on broadbury down (soon to be re-titled the hanged man) mostly round adding melodica instead of organ as on the album version. they also did a little work on blindspot (a neglectd track from the album volume four). 

so after all this they went down the pub.

but it was shut because it was only 3pm and didn't open until 4pm. so they went to the other pub (and that was shut too). so they went and got a falafel (and then back to the first pub).  there they sat out in the back garden listening to music on howard's portable speaker.  

horsemouth's plan was to be sensible and do another 2 for howard/ one and a half for horsemouth session but he got carried away and they may have ended up on four or five.  

thence back to his subterranean lair and some careful recovery. horsemouth took care to eat and to down some paracetamol. 

tonight a catch up with minty (and possibly anthony). 

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