Friday 31 May 2024

today a quiet day in

horsemouth has had his coffee. 

he has had a shower. 

he has listened to a discussion about the writings of j.g. ballard

he'd probably better get on and blog. 

yesterday a loafing around the house kind of day. except in the evening when horsemouth walked down to  stepney green to meet up with andrew minty and anthony. roughly a 3 mile walk using the victoria park route. he arrived early and so hung around outside andy's block until the time was correct (is this strange behaviour?). 

they then wandered down to the local wetherspoons...

ok ok you know horsemouth has moaned on about the 'spoons and, post-brexit and the lockdown firing of staff, called for its boycott. but really, when all is said and done, he's just a hypocrite (and now you have proof).  there they met anthony (who was sat outside talking to sion) and a little while later max arrived. 

horsemouth remembers two (real) topics of conversation (doubtless more will return to him as the day progresses).

one was wyndham lewis (BLASTer and vorticist, sometime fascist - though to be fair he did later repudiate this), the other the incipient juridico-legal state of sir keir (given their professed lack of carrot labour in government may need to make some use of the stick).  

horsemouth has read a little of lewis's the human age trilogy and a biography of him named after one of his magazines the enemy (jeffrey meyers, 1980). he hasn't read this stuff for a long time, he doesn't know if he still has it. 

minty and sion had to bail early (good to see you both). anthony, max and horsemouth carried on to the bitter end (closing time at the wetherspoons).  everybody was on good form and it was a pleasant drink. 

thereafter horsemouth wandered back home (another 3 miles) - this time using the mare street route. he got a pizza (if he'd held out a little longer he could have got a falafel wrap). 

horsemouth thinks he has come to the end of the drinking bit of his holiday (phew). 

yesterday (during his sitting around and recovering) horsemouth read and enjoyed the first chapter of war of the worlds (chapter one: the eve of the war). the chronology doesn't seem tight enough to assign a particular date to the landing of the aliens but the locations are tightly drawn and can be visited.

today a quiet day in (maybe a gentle restorative wander round the local streets). in the evening a rehearsal with pete. saturday afternoon jacken elswyth's album launch in camden. 

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