Sunday 30 June 2024

after the rehearsal

it's the day after.

so here's horsemouth up the pub with pizza. 

except they didn't have the pizza. (bad mistake).

as usual after the rehearsal horsemouth drank too much. (he's pretty much always happy to have another) and, as usual, the next day he's feeling a bit guilty. 

he's gone to look old don't you think (particularly when drunk) 

the shirt is new (how can you tell? it's been ironed). horsemouth bought it on the way over when he noticed his t-shirt was stained. 

there was some football going on (but horsemouth and howard disdained it and it looked fairly dull to be honest). 

so how did the rehearsal go?

well howard sang a lot of his new stuff (but fairly carefully because his voice is exhausted from his teaching work). after a while horsemouth wrestled the guitar away from him (a very nice fender jumbo acoustic) and ran through eyepennies. howard then sang a backing vocal on it. they recorded it on howard's phone and it sounded pretty good (so that's probably one for the set right there).  they had some discussion about the set/ set list.  

horsemouth then re-tuned the guitar dadgad and tried his 'anne briggs done by joy division' version of go your way (my love) which went well. horsemouth had some spare filigree f'or it and howard tried out some stuff on the dulcimer to go with it. then they embarked on explorations of the tuning. 

today a greyish day. possible rain in the morning. horsemouth will have museli for breakfast (there's no other food in the house that doesn't require cooking) and then try to get on with some reading. 

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