Saturday 29 June 2024

doubters, abstainers, independents

today a meet up with howard. (perhaps yes, or perhaps no, he's complaining of a sore throat).

if they do get to make music then go your way (my love)  is definitely on the cards. horsemouth has the laramie tuned up dadgad ready to go and has a plan. eyepennies (by sparklehorse) horsemouth is keen to try out. a slow dance (a waltz into darkness). howard has several tunes and then of course they have all the stuff from volume four that they never got around to playing live. 

yesterday (in the evening of which horsemouth is writing this) horsemouth mostly spent being anxious. he's got a walk booked in for monday (TG) and (perhaps) howard on the saturday, minty is away off to wales and enza is off away somewhere. 

horsemouth was watching deluge (1933) an early end of the world movie. he cooked - potatoes and a fakemeatball and tomato sauce sort of thing. he mopped up the kitchen floor and out into the corridor. 

horsemouth wakes up with a slight headache and a blocked nose. it is a beautiful morning outside. he has his coffee.

a friend has described the guardian video doubters, abstainers and independents that horsemouth has posted as 'depressing'. this is correct. 

'what's the difference? we need a big change not a little change...' say the crew of muslim women at the foodbank but the independent candidate is soon mired in a comments he made about domestic violence scandal. 'the mess goes on' the election is no solution to the issues. it's like the election is going on over here and what is going on with the people is going on elsewhere - the two are not connected. the people are not achieving representation, the election is solving nothing. (at least the woman who ODed and came back is a happy bunny).

it's nice to see reform get a hard tackle in the media but frankly horsemouth just wants them to split the rightwing vote. there's a problem later with their likely underrepresentation when the election is done - the election makes them visible to each other and unifies them. this he sees as a real problem. 

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