Thursday 13 June 2024

can I send a chatbot to that meeting? (a report for an academy)

you - please tell me about the horsemouthfolk blog and write something in the style of it.

copilot (with GPT-4) - the horsemouthfolk blog is a space where the author, known as horsemouth, shares his musical journey. it features stories and experiences related to music, with a focus on a joint album titled musicians of bremen volume one. this album is a mix of howard’s songs with a few originals and mostly covers brought by horsemouth. he plays a significant role in the record, contributing not just instrumentally but also vocally.

in the style of the horsemouthfolk blog, here’s a little piece:

'as the needle finds its groove, the room fills with a sound that's both old and new. it's the sound of strings and things, of voices raised in song and instruments speaking in tongues only the heart understands. here, in this corner of the digital world, horsemouthfolk spins tales as timeless as the tunes that accompany them.

there's a warmth here, a welcome that's as much about the music as it is about the man behind it. it's a place where folk meets soul, where the rhythm of the past meets the melody of the present. and as the record spins, we're all invited to take a seat, to listen, and to be part of the story that horsemouthfolk tells.'

this snippet captures the essence of the blog – a blend of personal narrative and musical passion, all centered around the communal experience of sharing and enjoying music.

you - thank you very much. I am horsemouth and I plan to post this on my blog. is there anything you would like to say about that?

copilot - it’s an honor to hear that you’re horsemouth and considering sharing the content from our conversation on your blog. I’m glad you found the piece fitting for your audience. as copilot, my aim is to assist and inspire, so feel free to use the content as you see fit. I’m here to support your creative journey and provide any further assistance you might need. happy blogging! 😊


here horsemouth has an encounter with the sky technology that is language. it is a cold grey morning. horsemouth is wearing a t-shirt, a fleece and a shirt. later it will rain (so he needn't go out and water the garden). yesterday a walk up on the common with his mum. in a bit he will check to see if the rubbish has been collected (sadly he cannot send a chatbot to do this). 

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