Friday 14 June 2024

justice delayed is justice denied

good morning! good morning! (it's a bit grey outside but never mind).

here is another totally written in the morning blogpost. 

it is the anniversary of the grenfell tower fire. 72 people died. it is 7 years later, the inquiry has not reported and no criminal charges have been laid. horsemouth posted a link to the last episode of the bbc grenfell inquiry podcast covering the final submissions and the final round of buck-passing and blame shifting. 

justice delayed is justice denied snarls horsemouth to himself. 

horsemouth has just taken the milk over to the fridge in the garage. the clouds have parted (briefly) and the sun is shining. 

'a labour pledge to lower student loan repayments has failed to appear in the party’s manifesto...' so says  the daily torygraph (but nonetheless). 

'the pledge signalled that a labour government would reverse changes made by the conservatives in 2022 to the structure of student loans, which now see graduates begin repaying at lower salaries and for a decade longer than previously.'

never mind that this proposal was, in and of itself, distinctly underwhelming. 

things, as horsemouth often remarks, are proper shit for the youth. studying ties people in to a lifetime of debt at the mercy of the british government. (and the quality of mercy is distinctly strained). it is, in fact,  higher taxes for the workers, a massive drag on the economy. horsemouth was lucky to have been educated back in the days of the student grant and with the support of his parents, he has thus managed to enjoy a decent standard of living despite his (relative) poverty. 

but this cuts to the heart of the real issue with labour. 

horsemouth's friends believe labour are going to stealth it into office and then do fuck all but implement pre-programmed tory cuts. various nutters (ok ok peter hitchens) believe they are going to stealth it into office and then install moscow style communism (by abolishing the house of lords for example).  

both are actually possible at the same time. 

horsemouth would love to see the house of lords abolished but he'd much rather see child poverty and food banks abolished. he'd like to see installing napalm on social housing abolished and he'd like to see the full remediation of all the properties where this shit is still installed happen (because, seven years later, it hasn't happened yet). 

last night at dusk horsemouth observed the round head of an owl. it flew from its perch in the top of the willow tree over to one of the fence posts in the chicken enclosure. horsemouth did not hear it call or see it clearly so he can't tell you what kind it was. 

there are perils associated to sleeping with books - the back cover of horsemouth's copy of franz kafka's diaries has come off. he has begun reading esther leslie's book on walter benjamin. 

today. er. today. not very much at all other than rain. horsemouth is a little bored he's waiting for the scheme to come together. 

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