Tuesday 4 June 2024

geechie recollections (she moved through the fair)

recorded june 4th and 5th 1973 at intermedia sound boston, geechie recollections is the middle album in marion brown's afternoon of a georgia faun to sweet earth flying trilogy. all are about the state of georgia. 

horsemouth is still thinking about that interview between anne briggs and bert jansch.

the recording starts with anne briggs (AB) singing she moved through the fair

AB  - it reminds me of joe heaney actually, they used to sing that, the singer, he used to sing that, and it always reminds me of somali road where he stayed awhile with us in the 'trad' camp downstairs.

BJ (bert jansch) - the young tradition

AB - yeah that's right. in fact if I remember rightly, yourself and john renbourn...  you were the nouveau group upstairs, we were the traditional group downstairs... 

BJ - it always amazed me that the american bluesmen used to come to that flat, but they used to come to downstairs, they didn't come to upstairs...

AB - well you know, they came to downstairs particularly  to listen to joe heaney when he was there,  sorry seamus heaney, because there seemed to be some tremendous rapport between the traditional blues singers and the traditional irish singers.

you felt left out did you?

BJ - we felt like we were being shunned a bit... 

that horsemouth's life (if anxious) is at least peaceful (at the moment)

the period of conflict in horsemouth's house has ended (largely because sten has now got a girlfriend and work on the other side of town). nothing has improved (you dig) but nothing has gone seriously backward and, to be honest, horsemouth is no longer here that much and is not that bothered. 

elsewhere people are either enduring conflict in their home (or they have recently endured conflict in their home). but, of course, one conflict closes another one opens. people try and argue that there is less conflict in this type of property or that type of property but in reality  conflict is between people, the externalities have little impact upon it.

energy performance certificates are shit

there's a guardian article (based on a WHICH report) about the problems with EPCs (energy performance certificates). granted these are not the sharpest tools in the box but they are the ones the government has chosen. it's quick, it's fast, it's... er... not very accurate and reliable (but so what?).  in any event to progress further, to design measures that are going to work, you have to go deeper. 

horsemouth (procrastinator in chief) has failed to get done several things he thinks he needed to get done (but never mind). he heads back to the wilds reasonably satisfied with his visit and deferring tasks onto the next visit.

he needs to time his next visit so that he is around for the general election on the 4th of july. he has received a letter from parliament from his current MP. as a result of boundary changes he is is now to be bundled in with north __________ rather than south __________. those of you in the know will realise that this means he has the opportunity to vote for diane abbot. he will probably avail himself of this opportunity because, even though he is not a big fan,  there is a limited amount of 'left' to be had in this election and horsemouth has a chance to have some of it. 

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