Wednesday 5 June 2024

'this is not that book' (geechie recollections day 2)

'it would of course be possible to write quite a different book on this topic, using the same or many other artists and films and looking at other issues. but this is not that book.' - preface by a.l.rees, a history of experimental film and video (bfi 2007)

'my name was mentioned often as a musician with promise for the future. I began receiving attention from critics and other musicians. I began performing more often, but still for little money ... I had, to a certain extent, arrived on the jazz scene.' - marion brown in his 1976 master’s thesis (ethnomusicology wesleyan university).  

it is the second day of the recording of marion brown's geechie recollections. horsemouth knew that marion brown wrote - there's an autobiography - recollections. essays, drawings, miscellanea, there's a views & reviews of afternoon of a georgia faun, there's his MA thesis, there are the sleevenotes to the albums. 

he's chosen  tokalokaloka part two. it's a lot more like afternoon of georgia faun  than he remembers it.

horsemouth has no idea what tracks were done on what days. he can't find any info about the recording sessions anywhere (beyond what studio they were recorded in). ok no that's not true, r. berred ouellette the recording engineer on the session  is on linked in. and discogs and rick heenan who mixed the album over at the village recorder in LA is on discogs. 

so its goodbye to the wen (for now). you were good. but now horsemouth must be back in the green. 

there's been progress on the garden (that is good to see). tomorrow horsemouth will take a look at various documentations he's got to be getting on with. 

today he has to get on with paying his rent (now that it is set at the new +6%). he also has to pay down some arrears. he will take the eggs down to the crossroads (a t-junction really) and wheel the bin to the bottom of the drive (this week it's the recycling).

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