Sunday 9 June 2024

horsemouth is new to this gardening lark

oh my giddy aunt. even the spectator is chucking bricks at sunak.

horsemouth is preparing for the  anniversary of the  last kafka diary entry on  june 12th 1923. 

a new translation of kafka's diaries has been prepared from the more complete german version published by s. fischer verlag in 1990. once again max brod gets a drubbing (this time as editor of the diaries rather than as biographer of kafka). the beating walter benjamin gives him in a letter to gerhard scholem collected in illuminations  as max brod's book on kafka and some of my own reflections) is still legendary

we have just passed not the tenth anniversary of his death but the hundredth

horsemouth would point out that election day (the fourth of july) is the anniversary of the recording of isis and osiris live at the village vanguard in 1970. 

isis and osiris are the divine couple. they have the divine child horus.

'the myth, with its complex symbolism, is integral to ancient egyptian conceptions of kingship and succession, conflict between order and disorder, and especially death and the afterlife'  says wikipedia. 

it is fundamentally a myth of rebirth (ok fairplay the body of osiris is chopped up into 42 bits by seth and distributed all over egypt but he is brought back from the dead. the chaos of the rule of seth ends and order is restored.) 

of course in many ways what horsemouth wants is not a return to order and deference, to business as usual, but a recognition that we have been going about it all wrong - that the solution to the people's woes lie in increasing wages, taxing the rich and industrial policy (not that that is going to happen you understand). 

it is another beautiful morning in the countryside. horsemouth was just out watering the plants he bought at the garden centre (and any others that have survived his tender mercies). whilst working in the garden he got seriously stung or bitten by something  and it has raised worryingly large red welts on his back and neck. 

today more digging to put in the compost that he should probably have put in earlier. he planted a row of carrot seeds and a row of beetroot seeds (now to see if they come up).  he has not used up the whole packet of each so there is a chance of having another crack at it in a month or, if they do some up, when they are eaten. 

horsemouth is new to this gardening lark. 

about 13 minutes in to roger barnes' duarnenez based dinghy vid there's the town raving it up for mardi gras.  horsemouth is more interested in the housing retrofit than the dinghy stuff to be honest but still he can't help but applaud roger for refusing to take the brexit insanity lying down and actually moving to france (albiet the cold damp and windy breton coast).

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