Monday 10 June 2024

want to see sun horsemouth? then get up early in the morning.

too late! it has clouded over for the day (and it has rained, indeed it is raining again). but on the plus side this means horsemouth doesn't have to do any watering in the garden. 

'actually crises are at the heart of capitalism... it's a sort of punctuated equilibrium sort of issue that it's not just about what happens when things are running smoothly, it is very much, as you say, about what happens in the crisis. and my reading of it is that with private equity in particular this is a kind of mechanised industry of people who are looking for a crisis, they're not looking for a crisis in the economy or their own, they are looking for a crisis in a particular industry and when that happens they are there ready to take over at rock bottom prices.

so were talking about the constant churn of businesses and we've now got this group of people who are, some people have described as being like vultures...'

this was a side issue in the debate - american ownership of the 'pipes and bridges' of the UK economy - but it is the major issue for horsemouth. back in 2008/2009 people viewed the credit crisis (what is now known as the great depression) as a moment of left-wing opportunity. horsemouth was not convinced he instead viewed it as a moment of intensified capitalist looting (and so it has proved).

in the last decade a quarter of a million social housing homes have vanished under right to buy - the rent money from those properties vanishing from local authorities bank accounts and rematerialising in the bank accounts of the rich. 

horsemouth has in his own small way struggled against this. (er. and been pilloried by his so called 'comrades' for having done it). 

the tory election campaign is going badly. rishi has crashed the bus and we haven't even reached the first turn. the reactionaries are being herded into the arms of reform (as it were). horsemouth can only hope that this splits the right wing vote sufficiently to wreck both of them. but (as with ukip) there is a problem with the reactionaries not achieving sufficient electoral success to deliver their representation. 

dialectically horsemouth is interested in the splits out of labour to the left and the constituencies alienated by current labour strategy. it is in these that horsemouth sees if not the opportunity for a fightback then at least the chance to secure some representation. 

it's a monday 1st of july (as it was a monday 1st of january and a monday 1at of april) and on the 4th of july (a thursday) the election. 

and after horsemouth has dropped his 'X'? well a labour government gets in and presumably they privatise the NHS and drive down real wage levels. the vast looting of value (during the ensuing 'crisis') and its export continues and indeed will intensify. 

whether the labour government will do anything useful for the poor remains to be seen. 

oop. it's clouding over again. this is an entirely written in the morning blogpost (well nearly - horsemouth lifted the quote last night). 

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