Sunday 28 July 2024

only really august now (and entirely written in the morning blogpost)

an entirely written in the morning blogpost. (it's nice to see the young people dancing to drum and bass, don't be confused though she does start with some electro). 

horsemouth has just been out to the garden and cropped some runner beans and some peas (this follows the lettuce he lifted yesterday). 

the runner beans are disappointing - beautifully coloured but small (he has learnt his lesson the seed pods need to be much more bulbous). the peas he seems to have judged it quite well - a few are drying out but most are succulent and the right size. 

he has his coffee. 

there's only really august now for things to grow in (though the weather can often be decent all the way out through september). that means the second lot of runner beans that he put in (actually the third lot because the first lot were eaten by slugs) will not have time to flower and grow (maybe, if there are any,  they could be mange touted). 

people used to grow runner beans just for the flowers (and horsemouth can see why). 

similarly with the second round of peas. with the carrots and the beetroot he will just have to see. 

with the tomatoes and peppers he may get lucky and get some. green tomatoes can be fried or ripened on window sills. 

it's a beautiful morning. 

yesterday horsemouth's uncle steve visited (one of horsemouth's dad's work colleagues) they chatted and horsemouth showed him where dad's ashes are buried. 

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