Saturday 27 July 2024

practice, record, release, tour, repeat

'it could be like this on every beach...
and better yet, it wasn't even necessary.
- figure of the mouth' 

this is from an auto-translated facebook photo caption. the photo shows a wire litter basket in the shape of a fish at a beach. 

did horsemouth post the rick beato video (the real reason why music is getting worse)? anyway here's an answer video (by proglord andy edwards). 

broadly horsemouth likes andy's point that bands know that practice, record, release, tour, repeat won't be make them any money anytime soon,  but that they do it anyway (because it's how they like to do things). 

on the other hand being a 'content creator' on youtube will make them money (and get them seen by way more people), andy knows this, but they don't want to do it because it is beneath them (would be horsemouth's view). it is not what musicians are mainly interested in doing. 

horsemouth has come round to the notion of the necessity of supporting other people's musical endeavours. 

but then again it's nearly august and horsemouth has to start getting a move on himself. 

he has of late only really rehearsed eyepennies  (and he hasn't rehearsed the line he really needs to rehearse in there). what else is he going  to bring? well broadbury down and am​á​rach (as long as he gets on and re-learns his guitar parts).  howard was talking about bringing falling snow. 

we are coming up to the anniversary of the release of volume four on august the 1st. horsemouth will have to work out some way to celebrate it. 

musicians of bremen have a gig august 24th down at waterintobeer. they will be going on first. 

yesterday horsemouth got up to very little. he woke up late and wandered about with a slight hangover in the morning and had a snooze in the afternoon. today his uncle steve visits (one of his father's work-mates).   

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