Tuesday 6 August 2024

back in the great wen

ok back in london - anybody about? (don't make me come out to essex to get you garton).

horsemouth must say he's consistently impressed with zarah sultana (the former labour MP who currently has the whip suspended for voting against the two child cap). ed balls on the other hand (someone who he previously had nothing against) he's done with (in the sea with you). 

and that's the debate beyond ending the rioting (as a law and order issue) should not the politicians acknowledge that by banging the drum over immigration and asylum seekers they have made the issue toxic (even when their alleged intention was to de-toxicify the issue as ash sarkar points out). this is particularly the case because nothing they have done to 'reform' the immigration and asylum system over the past 30 years has worked. 

there is a second debate as well about the best way to oppose the rise of the far right for the far left. here the argument is that what people want to see is order rather than disorder and that fighting them on the streets is not the way to go. 

horsemouth likes this argument because it works well with his cowardice. 

horsemouth is back in the great wen having passed through the soon-to-be newtown of worcestershire parkway

in a bit horsemouth is off to rehearse with howard but before he goes he must needs get breakfast. (strange - from being glorious it has clouded over - horsemouth now remembers this is what the weather forecast said it would do)

he is already plotting his return to the wilds. as he has mentioned before he has a wheeled suitcase/ trolley kind of thing (from his flying to places on holiday days) - he is currently loading this up with books - but here's the cunning bit of his plan - books in wine boxes as horsemouth stores them. 

back in the wilds horsemouth will have to keep his eye out for bookcases (because soon enough he will have enough books to furnish them). 

last night he had a quick read of bergman and salinas's telepathy that he picked up the last time he was here. he enjoyed it. he may take it with him to read on the tube over. 

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