Monday 5 August 2024

'taking a break from bibliomania'

'steve rambles on about how he's taking a break from bibliomania, then of course shows you some books he's just bought...' 

but it takes him 18 minutes to get round to showing you the books. but it's an entertaining ramble. 

horsemouth will not be taking a break from bibliomania but he will be relocating his zone of operation. 

meanwhile bookpilled (in a laibach t-shirt this time) is back home in the states and reviewing some books including isaac asimov's collection of soviet science fiction (which horsemouth thought he had here but seems to have vanished into the stack - he has only one stack of books here). oh wow there's a more of... 

on reflection horsemouth thinks it is in the stack back in the wen so he will be able to read it when he gets home (and tell you about it). 

horsemouthfolk has opened up a substack. quite what he will do with it he doesn't yet know. 

he appends a link to howards mix from this day 2019 (hey 5 years ago). featuring tracks by karen dalton (including her take on pastures of plenty), abba gargando (tuareg guitar), woo (upside down), john fahey (I am the resurrection), doves (M62 song), lomo (horsemouth thinks). michael andrews (a long summer since passed), nick drake. 

today he travels back to the great wen. tomorrow he is off round howard's to practice. 

he's up. it's a grey morning. wait let him get his coffee. the great advantage of being out in the wilds is that horsemouth can observe the current crisis from relative safety. what it needs is bad weather (people seldom riot when it's raining). of course for the sake of his garden horsemouth would prefer good weather. 

the ruling class have fucked up and left an opening in political representation. the have let the right grow (indeed they have encouraged it) and now face a difficult time getting the gremlin back in the box. 

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